Before marriage, many couples opt to get counseling to help improve their relationship before heading down the aisle. Premarital counseling helps to set couples up for a more successful marriage by giving them insight into problems that they may face as a married couple as well as individualized action plans. Joel Kuppersmith PHD is a Huntington Marriage Counseling that has helped many local couples on Long Island transition into the marital phase of their relationships. During each counseling session, couples will be asked to discuss topics that often go hand in hand with marriage. These topics can include:
- Your finances
- Intimacy
- Children
- How you communicate
- Your beliefs
- Trust
- The roles each of you play
Discussing these topics and more will assist in giving you insight on what to expect when you decide to see a Huntington Marriage Counseling.
Common reasons for seeking a Huntington Marriage Counseling:
If you feel that you and your partner could have a more stable relationship before getting married, premarital counseling is a good idea. Here are a few other common reasons for premarital counseling:
- You’re constantly arguing about the wedding.
- You or your partner have doubts about the marriage.
- You fear marriage is not the right choice.
- Your family doesn’t like your partner or vice versa.
- Your views on intimacy do not match up with your partners.
How can it benefit your relationship?
If and when you decide as a couple you’re ready to take the first step in improving your relationship, you’ll be able to uncover issues as well as prepare your relationship for marriage with premarital counseling. By stepping into a supportive environment, created by your counselor, you’ll begin working on effectively communicating your thoughts and concerns with each other in a more positive manner.
At Joel Kuppersmith PHD, a marriage counselor in Huntington, we are dedicated to giving you and your partner the help you need in order to have a successful marriage. We realize that every relationship is different and we all have different wants and needs when it comes to who we spend our lives with. Huntington Marriage Counseling can provide your relationship with the stability it needs to transition into a happy, healthy marriage. Contact us today!
Does Marriage Counseling Work?
To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. The person that you marry is who you choose to spend the rest of your life with, working through life’s difficult moments together as a team. However, sometimes that bond can be tested and broken by seemingly insurmountable issues of financial, social, stressful, or relationship-based nature. Immediately going for divorce is never a sound decision. Not only does taking that leap instinctively leave you woefully unprepared for any proceedings to come, and leaves your family and children at risk of turmoil, but it also negates any future possibility of fixing these issues. Luckily, the methods of Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) used in marriage counseling are now roughly 75 percent effective. Starting with a Huntington Marriage Counseling can be the key to saving a stressful relationship.
Why are people skeptical?
Marriage counseling is hard work, and there are no guarantees. It is a non-physical net gain and remains invisible in the public eye, as not many people who see the benefits of marriage counseling talk about their experiences with the world. In the over 2 million marriages held each year, approximately 800,000 of them end in divorce. Both parties need to be willing to put in the effort to attend meetings, learn how to properly communicate with your given issue, and work together to repair what has been broken.
Your marriage counselor is your mediator. We provide an open environment with the right tools to talk things through with your partner, but we can’t achieve that goal unless both parties can hold a discussion without fear, hiding, or attempting to lie. Get in touch with the office of Joel Kuppersmith PhD today if you are seeking a Huntington Marriage Counseling .

Why Should I Invest in Huntington Marriage Counseling?
The earlier you decide to receive marriage counseling, the better it is for your relationship. Couples tend to wait approximately 6 years of unhappiness before seeking help. That is 6 years of festering stress and resentment that takes an ever-growing pile of effort to scrape away. Not only that, but there are any number of reasons why you wish to seek marriage counseling, so your unique situation may require a unique solution. Once you recognize the signs of a relationship issue, schedule an appointment with a Huntington Marriage Counseling as soon as possible.
What can marriage counseling help with?
- No resolve – Where both parties can never agree on a solution or find themselves in eternal conflict over any number of issues.
- Negative communication – Where one or both partners express themselves in ineffective ways. This can include lying, gaslighting, misinterpreting, or starting emotionally charged discussions. The communication breakdown can stem from insecurity or depression, so it’s important to get the right words out and to mean what you say. Our Huntington Marriage Counseling can help you to find constructive communication techniques.
- Staying together for the children – We understand that your children are your highest priority. However, children are extremely intuitive, and hiding issues from them may just lead them to notice. Sometimes staying together for the kids is more detrimental than good, and other times all it takes to repair the rift is therapy. Either way, staying together for your children is a misled yet noble effort that requires a third party to see what the situation needs to proceed amicably.
- Roommates – When a couple feels that their communication and intimacy become more of a chore than an active effort
- Extended time apart – If you feel that you or your partner find peace from conflict outside of the home, you are dealing with that conflict in an unhealthy way. Spending time away from home only reinforces that being gone = no conflict. This idea solves nothing about the issue but ignores it until it is no longer relevant, allowing deep-rooted issues to fester under the surface.
- Infidelity – It is very difficult to come back from an affair, but not impossible. There is a lot of commitment and forgiveness necessary in healing this deep wound, so both partners have to be absolutely committed to truthfulness and faithfulness henceforth.
Huntington Marriage Counseling
If you have any of the issues detailed above or want to discuss with a clinical psychologist your marriage counseling options, contact us today.
Benefits of Couples Therapy:
Everyone knows that relationships could be a lot of hard work. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and a fair share of problems. It all comes down to the extent of the problems and if you can sit down with your partner and agree to fix them together. It is very hard to take that first step and admitting that both you and your partner need help. Dr. Joel Kuppersmith offers Marriage Counseling in Huntington, NY that will help make you as comfortable as possible when you speak to our professional therapist about the problems that you and your partner are experiencing. We work closely with you and listen to your problems, helping to come up with a solution. We help you work through common relationship problems, allowing you to succeed and continue growing within your relationship.
Couples therapy is not just for romantically involved or married couples. Couples therapy can be administered between friendships, work-related relationships, or parental relationships. Any type of relationship can benefit from a couple’s therapy session. Marriage Counseling in Huntington, NY can figure out what is causing the problems to arise between you and your partner/associate. Dr. Joel Kuppersmith goes above and beyond to provide you with the best services to ensure that your relationship is getting the help it needs. Taking the step to go to couple’s therapy is beneficial in more ways than one.
Benefits include:
- Communicating better.
- A stronger and deeper connection.
- Making your partner feel loved.
- Falling in love all over again.
- Intimacy (Physical and Emotional).
- Partnership.
- Looking into the future instead of thinking of the past.
What to expect during a session?
At Joel Kuppersmith’s Office, a psychologist offering Marriage Counseling in Huntington, you will meet with one of Long Island’s most highly qualified therapists. The therapist will sit you and your partner down and have you explain issues within your relationship and setbacks you are both experiencing. The therapist will go over goals that you and your partner have for your relationship and assign “homework” for each of you to do after every session to ensure both you and your partner are putting in the effort. If you are ready to take the first step and save your relationship, schedule an appointment with one of Long Island’s premier marriage counseling therapists today!