Loneliness is an emotion people frequently experience; it makes one feel isolated and remote. There is no specific or universal cause for loneliness. Each case is particular to the individual; one can experience a variety of symptoms for an extended amount of time. Therefore, treatment and prevention may vary depending on the person. For example, a child that has difficulty making friends at school struggles differently than a middle-aged woman whose husband recently passed away. Loneliness can be detected through a range of symptoms and can have an array of additional effects on the brain. Joel Kuppersmith Ph.D., a Psychologist in Huntington, NY, acknowledges that there are ways to address loneliness. Before making an appointment, it is essential to understand the emotion of feeling “lonely,” in addition to the various symptoms, health consequences, and potential treatments.
Loneliness is a state of mind. It does not necessarily mean one is physically alone and isolated from others. Loneliness is when one feels empty and unwanted. Generally, those who suffer crave human interaction, but because of their “state of mind,” it’s more difficult to create relationships and connect with others. Loneliness does not explicitly mean one is physically alone. Someone can spend hours at work every day surrounded by their co-workers but feel alone. Loneliness depends on the subjective quality of one’s relationships. The number of connections one has is insignificant if there is a feeling of being socially disconnected. Those who experience loneliness regularly may want to seek help. Visiting a psychologist in Huntington, NY is one way to work through this disconnect. While talking to someone new may seem intimidating, it will offer a new way for you to express yourself and the feelings of loneliness causing you to struggle.
One does not necessarily have to feel lonely when they are alone. Spending time alone can be healthy. However, loneliness can escalate through many symptoms. When meeting with a psychologist in Huntington, NY, you’ll want to talk through some of the symptoms you may be experiencing throughout your day. Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing can include:
By sharing which symptoms may be affecting you with someone else, you’ll begin to make progress on working through the feelings of loneliness
Since loneliness is a unique and individualized emotion, there can be an infinite amount of causes. Getting to the root cause of your loneliness can be difficult, that’s why seeking the help of a psychologist in Huntington, NY is extremely helpful. If you have endured any symptoms we previously stated, consider the possibility of any of these events affecting you recently:
If you believe you are experiencing persistent loneliness, the best solution would be to talk to someone. Feeling lonely not only causes current emotional pain but in the long term, can lead to additional physical and mental health issues. For instance, if the symptoms listed above continue, your case can develop into anxiety and depression. Physically, your immune system will weaken, leading to illnesses that can potentially worsen over time. Psychologist Joel Kuppersmith Ph.D. has created dozens of interventions designed to address loneliness.
If you or someone you know has been experiencing feelings of loneliness, schedule an appointment with a psychologist in Huntington, NY today! Dr. Joel Kuppersmith will work with you to enhance social support, change maladaptive thinking, and increase opportunities for social interaction.