Few things can impact your mental health more than sleep. Sleep Awareness Week is an annual event observed from March 13th – March 19th. Our psychologist in Huntington, NY, Dr. Joel Kuppersmith, would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to prioritize your sleep. Sleep and mental health are complex issues impacted by several factors, but improving your sleep can significantly benefit your mental health. Continue reading to learn more about mental health and sleep.
A good night’s rest can work wonders for your well-being. However, it’s not easy to sleep when feeling overwhelmed or depressed. It’s no secret that there is a close relationship between mental health and sleep. Mental health issues can impact how well you sleep, and sleep problems can negatively impact your mental health. If you have been struggling with sleep problems, Dr. Joel Kuppersmith can help you find ways to improve your sleep quality and quantity to help relieve the symptoms of mental health issues. It’s essential to note that more sleep is not a cure, but improved sleep is a crucial part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Here are some of the ways you can try to improve your sleep:
For many individuals, working with a psychologist in Huntington, NY can be an effective way to improve your sleep. Cognitive-behavioral therapy with Dr. Joel Kuppersmith can help you adjust your behavior before bed and help change the ways of thinking that prevent you from falling asleep. Dr. Kuppermsith will help you identify and improve your relaxation skills and lifestyle habits that impact your sleeping patterns.
During National Sleep Awareness Week, commit to improving your sleep habits. Dr. Joel Kuppersmith is a psychologist in Huntington, NY who is here to guide and support you throughout your journey towards recovery. To discover how Dr. Kuppersmith can help with sleep disorders, be sure to contact us today!